Requesting help from kind people

Hi, have a small mission to start a handmade soap company, with the aim to donate a part of the profit for children education and medical care needs. A small help from kind people if they can take this small survey it will hep us greatly to move in right direction. Thank you  …

…Be kind +(poet in me)

The spark of a start, a star that shines bright,a colour so pure,purity so fine. Living life at its best is a game,a game for life, a life worth a gift, a gift which is divine,Its purpose is served when served mankind.Humanity for its race has to learn to be kind. You and me are…

What the hell is this Love….

Being in Love is like being hunger  When you love someone we want them to love us back isn’t it? Yes! it is natural to expect love in return. The most core need of a human is to be loved a desire to be wanted! You know you in love when you feel butterflies in…

Is this internship or slavery?

Thing were fantastic until one dark day when my senior who is known for having a short temper  fired his ONLY, employee

Bus ño.62- life lesson

Sometimes life teaches you great lessons not by bringing in big events but by making you face some hurdles.One just need to stop, notice, think and understand.. I am an intern at a law court in Mumbai my job requires me to reach work on time, I’m sure all jobs do ;). having been travelling…

Change is me..

Sometimes life can be such a mess: business is not doing well, relationship are falling apart, no penny in the pocket the world seems to be coming to and end and you want to blame every thing and everyone for your misery: the Government, the weather, the traffic, your rivals, your spouse, your colleagues, your…

I Can’t change it ..

For a while I have been reading blogs and watching videos to understand and answer questions which I am sure most of us look out for, such as How I can make life better? How do I  becoming more successful? What changes should make to change my situation? Where to start? Offcourse there is so…

The known stranger…

Some people sometimes make me wonder how they are behind my back? They come with a lot of mistery, you think you know them well but yet you may doubt everything you know. Their words and action may not match (sometimes for good),and what they are with you can be completed contradicting to what people…

I’m scared yet again…

I have no idea why I feel this strange fear before I start anything new I don’t even know for sure what is it founded on. I am a procrastinator at times. I procrastinate situations and events till I have no choice but to face them. Today I am in a similar situation, it’s been…

The F word “Fat”

….Marriage become a problem  and parents and relatives try to solve it by manipulating, forcing you to subtract weight, add beauty and end up with a great figure if possible overnight…